
Thursday, 26 April 2007

MediaWiki in Claromentis

Claromentis works well with mediawiki-1.8.2 (hm, available on the site),
however, mediawiki-1.8.3 is the security update, so it must work (i'vent checked) which brings you to
it can work under mysql since 4.0 and php5 under apache or IIS

first, install MediaWiki in intranet/wiki directory:

====in "Database config"=====

1) check MySQL,
2) use DB name, DB username, DB password from Claromentis (specified in intranet/common/config.php)
3) set Database table prefix to something like "wiki_"

in other places - follow MediaWiki installation instructions

second, install ClaroWiki extension into MediaWiki:edit intranet/wiki/LocalSettings.php# Add to localsettings, near the end:require_once("extensions/clarowiki/ClaroWiki.php");

note about uploading images into wiki:!! this workaround doesn't work with IIS (win32)

it's helpful for codedev2you may want to move wiki/images directory to claromentis data directory and make symlink from previuos location to new locationi.e.:# mv web/intranet/wiki/images data/wiki; ln -s ../../../data/wiki/ web/intranet/wiki/images;!! this workaround doesn't work with IIS (win32) it's helpful for codedev2

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