Sunday, 29 April 2007
Pictures: Babies Underwater
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Friday, 27 April 2007
Claromentis 5.1 configuration
1. New searching system and so new indexing daemon.
Cla 5.1 requires new indexing daemon to be installed
Due to changed indexing, now database size is much smaller than data storage. And data storage has grown by about 50% comparing to version 5.0. I remind that previously database size was about twice larger than actual documents size.
2. LDAP/NTLM configuration
Cla 5.1 now supports multiple domains if they are within one LDAP tree and Cla is installed on Windows. Also now it's possible to have local accounts and LDAP/NTLM accounts at the same time.
Due to these changes, directory security settings are different in IIS. Now it's needed to allow anonymous access to web/intranet/ folder and only disallow it to web/intranet/login/ folder.
There are also different configuration variables in config file.NTLM and LDAP are switched on and off indepentently of each other. $NTLM_MODE has only options NTLM_NONE, NTLM_IIS and NTLM_APACHE.New variable $cfg_LDAP_enabled enables LDAP support. Prefix $cfg_ added for all other LDAP variables. See config_default.php
Enabling LDAP now requires valid LDAP account to be entered into config file. See variables $cfg_LDAP_user and $cfg_LDAP_password in config_default.php
New settings $cfg_preferred_login_method, has effect only if NTLM is enabled. Claromentis may automatically redirect users to NTLM autologon or first show them usual web form for log in and let them click "Log on using you MS Windows account". This is useful if local and LDAP users are used.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
MediaWiki in Claromentis
however, mediawiki-1.8.3 is the security update, so it must work (i'vent checked) which brings you to
it can work under mysql since 4.0 and php5 under apache or IIS
first, install MediaWiki in intranet/wiki directory:
====in "Database config"=====
1) check MySQL,
2) use DB name, DB username, DB password from Claromentis (specified in intranet/common/config.php)
3) set Database table prefix to something like "wiki_"
in other places - follow MediaWiki installation instructions
second, install ClaroWiki extension into MediaWiki:edit intranet/wiki/LocalSettings.php# Add to localsettings, near the end:require_once("extensions/clarowiki/ClaroWiki.php");
note about uploading images into wiki:!! this workaround doesn't work with IIS (win32)
it's helpful for codedev2you may want to move wiki/images directory to claromentis data directory and make symlink from previuos location to new locationi.e.:# mv web/intranet/wiki/images data/wiki; ln -s ../../../data/wiki/ web/intranet/wiki/images;!! this workaround doesn't work with IIS (win32) it's helpful for codedev2
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Monday, 23 April 2007
31142520 app no.
S9 eccleston square
post office passport
se04 form
bill, bank statement
Sunday, 22 April 2007
The truth about working as a WEB DEVELOPER
1. You work weird (night time) -Overtime
...Just like prostitutes.
2. They pay you to make the client happy
...Just like a prostitute.
3. The client pays a lot of money,
butyour employer keeps almost everypenny
...Just like a prostitute.
4. You are rewarded for fulfilling theclient's dreams
... Just like a prostitute.
5. Your friendships fall apart
and you end up hanging out with people
inthe same profession as you
...Just like a prostitute.
6. When you have to meet the client
you always have to be perfectlygroomed
...Just like a prostitute.
7. But when you go back home
it seems like you are coming back from hell
...Just like a prostitute.
8. The client always wants to pay less
but expects incredible thingsfrom you
...Just like a prostitute.
9. When people ask you about your job,
you have difficulties to explain it
...Just like a prostitute.
10. Everyday when you wake up,
you say: "I'm not going to spent the restof my life doing this."
...Just like a prostitute.
p/s: damn..i just realize this...
Eight Google Apps in Your Future
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Friday, 20 April 2007
Absolutely eatable fabulous cakes - russian masterpieces!!
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Design secrets revealed - 35 Pro designers asked 5 must know questions
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Thursday, 19 April 2007
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Monday, 16 April 2007
Designing With Grid-Based Approach
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Sunday, 15 April 2007
Landing Page
example of competition landing page like this landing page) simple, with PDF icons ready to download, but when you click, it ask for your email, but afterwards, allows you to immediately download interesting at the beginning) busy, interesting URL, how they capture google usage) my attention to only one place, which is to download white paper titled Seven key things you must consider before you invest in doc mgmt swwhich then drops me to a contact form)
Saturday, 14 April 2007
A contextually relevant keyword that is discovered in real-time on a web page from within Kontera´s vast network of publishers, and is automatically turned into a link to the most relevant ad from among Kontera´s thousands of advertisers. With ContentLink™ publishers generate incremental revenue while advertisers reach their most targeted audience on a Cost-Per-Click basis.
YPOPs! :: Free POP3/SMTP access to Yahoo Mail!
YPOPs! is an application that provides POP3 access to Yahoo! Mail.
Smallest and Largest text on the web
The smallest possible text size is 1px, you can make them 0.0000001px but
it doesn't make such different on the browser appearance.
The largest text that still can be readable after reducing the text size or zooming out (IE7) page is in the region of 60000px.
There is some strange behavior with the largest text as sometime when it gets too large it become small again.
To test this experiment you can use Firefox and hold Ctrl key while keep pressing (-) or (+) to zoom in and out.
Smallest and Largest Text on the web (open in new window)
Friday, 13 April 2007
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Edit me in publish
Note "name" on < a > tag. It's not required, but better to insert it sopage id is directly added into that link instead of callingedit_page_indirect.phpAnd there is on limitation. This functionality works only on intranetpages and doesn't work on any external ones - FTP or the same server.
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
IP Location PHP Module
PHP module that enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, ISP and domain name that any IP address or host name originates from. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use the API to query all IP2Location™ binary databases for applications supporting PHP.
Monday, 9 April 2007
Online Collaboration Business Application
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Sunday, 8 April 2007
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Blog Archive
- Pictures: Babies Underwater
- XML and Word
- Claromentis 5.1 configuration
- Mobile Web emulator
- MediaWiki in Claromentis
- TinyMCE Javascript Content Editor by Moxiecode Sys...
- app
- Esendex Support
- Geek to Live: The best apps of 2006 - Lifehacker
- Flights
- Open Source Alternative - Find Open Source Alterna...
- - The complete Web 2.0 directory
- The truth about working as a WEB DEVELOPER
- Sign & Print Graphix - vehicle graphics, pvc banne...
- Eight Google Apps in Your Future
- Best of web 2.0 software
- Absolutely eatable fabulous cakes - russian master...
- Design secrets revealed - 35 Pro designers asked 5...
- Development
- Relative path detection
- Photoshop CS2 HDR
- HDR - The Variety of HDR Photography - a photoset ...
- The Monster List of Freelancing Job Sites
- Keep an Eye
- CSS form helper
- Economist StyleGuide
- Designing With Grid-Based Approach
- Google Check out in UK
- Order
- Landing Page
- Crazy web site
- Kontera
- YPOPs! :: Free POP3/SMTP access to Yahoo Mail!
- Smallest and Largest text on the web
- Help my marketing manager ruin my design !!!
- Google Adwords Website Optimizer
- The Official Pocoyo Blog
- Edit me in publish
- Geobytes IP detection
- IP Location PHP Module
- Online Collaboration Business Application
- Home Inspiration, Products, Furniture, Gadgets and...
- Insect screen
- Quantum Art cms
- CMS Wire