
Friday, 26 October 2007

Change VI redirect to home


Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Only2Clicks - a simple visual start page now has Bookmarklet !

User can now add links easily to your personalized page using new Bookmarklet feature from Only2Clicks a really simple visual start pages which has received a lot of buzz and continuously growing.

read more | digg story

Sunday, 23 September 2007


-view mode
-move to cat
-pool whats next

Friday, 21 September 2007


Saturday, 15 September 2007

Mobile phone authentication

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Asbru - image map html editor

Image map html editor - Downloads - Downloads

Hacking window host


and add this line at the end:

x81.1.223.7 update.claroxxxxxx.comx

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Thursday, 6 September 2007


- !!! update development flow chart - for uk team monday meeting
- compare version for documents - now in dev map using indexing utility
- update ldap & ntlm information - from alexander
- autosave in publish, bookshelf, and mail - now in dev map - agreed spec
- sticky news - submitted for news
- visual specification for personal homepage - need to work sometime soon for claromentis 5.5
- !!! create Care UK visual interface for Igor to work on tuesday, should be ready by monday

Friday, 17 August 2007

Competitor analisys

-show (online presentation)
-create database

- online quick edit (word)
- pdf conversion
- note, marking..revision..

- auto save
- dnd template creator
- smart objects


Smart Object
Intelligence Recommendation
Remember search (filter?)
Dashlet, personalised homepage
Drag and drop (user experience)
Easier permission
Better workflow
Better CRM1 usability
Better Project
Better Survey
Autosave for Publish

Mayan calendar

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Friday, 3 August 2007

David Seah : Working With Dave Seah

David Seah : Working With Dave Seah

Mozilla Rich Text Editing Demo

Mozilla Rich Text Editing Demo

Midas demo, WYSIWYG

trac - Trac

trac - Trac

The Community-built Open Source Online HTML Editor

Xinha (pronounced like Xena, the Warrior Princess) is a powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor component that works in Mozilla based browsers as well as in MS Internet Explorer. Its configurabilty and extensibility make it easy to build just the right editor for multiple purposes, from a restricted mini-editor for one database field to a full-fledged website editor. Its liberal licence makes it an ideal candidate for integration into any kind of project.

Xinha is Open Source, and we take this seriously. There is no company that owns the source but a community of professionals who just want Xinha to be the best tool for their work.

WYSIWYG BBCode Editor | Simple BB Code Editing | RagePank SEO

WYSIWYG BBCode Editor | Simple BB Code Editing | RagePank SEO

Friday, 27 July 2007

More tabs?

More tabs ?

A small update for today, now you can have more than two rows tab without breaking the layout. You can now have as many as you want. Enjoy it! - Register - Register

Prototype Window Class : Samples

Prototype Window Class : Samples

Thursday, 26 July 2007


Monday, 23 July 2007




Software - The Global Broadband Speed Test - The Global Broadband Speed Test

PadStyle | Modern Furniture Blog

PadStyle | Modern Furniture Blog

Drag and Drop Interface is almost here

We've been testing drag and drop interface over the weekend.
I hope it's a good start to allow further enhancement to move a link into other tab or remove a link to a trash can.
So far It looks pretty stable on Firefox, IE, Opera, and Safari.
At the moment order changes won't be saved so please bear with us, it won't be long until we release it.
Once again thanks for all your support.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Crosslink problem

Thanks for valuable feedback everyone.
Some of the users might experience problem when creating links due a crosslink bug which is currently being fixed.

Please be patient with us...

100 Open Source Downloads

100 Open Source Downloads

Wellington Grey -- Miscellanea -- Periodic Table of the Internet

Wellington Grey -- Miscellanea -- Periodic Table of the Internet

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Something wonderful happens when...

Something wonderful happens when the right people meet the right people at the right time create the right product for the right market.

Lesson to learn from "Apple", "Google", "Disney", "LucasFilm", "Ford" and other inspiring companies.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Apple wish-list

Dear Apple,

I am sure you must be extremely busy with iPhone launch, enjoying continues growth of iPod. I know you've recently changed your company name by removing the word "Computer" and becoming a media company, but please..please..please consider my wish-list below:

1. "MacBook Mini" comes with colour
  • 10" glossy widescreen
  • iSight
  • Flash based 16GB or 32GB HD
  • OSX Leopard
  • Built-in slot loading DVD - (i hate cables and external drives)
  • Sub $500 if possible
2. "iMac Touch"
  • Touch screen iMac
  • 20" wide screen tiltable, wall mountable.
Kindest regards,


Retro refreshing site

I found this website is pretty amusing. It reminds me of pixel art early 90s style.
I am sure we are getting a little bit tired after being bombarded with CSS driven, web2.0 style glossy shadowed interfaces.



How to use PNG background transparancy in IE6

It is known that we can't use PNG transparancy as a background in IE6.
This example below is a hack to do it, by utilising Alpha Image Loader :

#top {
background-image: none;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
float: left;
height: 12px;
width: 502px;
filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=images/2.png,sizingMethod='scale');

Frenzic : About

Frenzic : About

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Vanilla Days : HDR Tutorial: How to create ‘High Dynamic Range’ images using Photomatix

Vanilla Days : HDR Tutorial: How to create ‘High Dynamic Range’ images using Photomatix: "duce the 3 shots needed is to take 1 photo and adjust in a RAW editor such as Aperture, Photoshop or RawShooter. The main advantage to this is that you can produce a HDR shot with moving subjects such as people or cars. The disadvantage is that if you use an image with very dark shadows and you’re trying to boost the exposure, the result will be quite noisey.

Load your photo into the editor, then set the exposure level to -2 and save the image as a 16bit TIFF without any metadata such as EXIF info. This is the important part. If you save it with EXIF info you will find that Photomatix relies on that info to produce the HDR shot. The problem with this is that the shutter speed and aperture values will be the same across the 3 images and Photomatix won’t know which image is -2, 0 and +2. Set the exposure level to 0, save that and"


Instant.js (now with IE 6/7 support)

Instant.js (now with IE 6/7 support)

Thursday, 7 June 2007


- maximum text on username fields
- image gak refresh

Friday, 1 June 2007


drop miki 13 june 7:30am
pick up 21 june 12:00

alamate :
Moors Cottage
Slugwash Lane,
Wivelsfield Green
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH17 7RG

total £96

Saturday, 26 May 2007


11th July 2007 United Kingdom Chichester, Cathedral Before 29/05/07 by post:
Box Office, Cathedral Bell Tower, West Street
Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RP
After 29/05/07:

Tel: 01243 780 192
The Nigel Kennedy Quintet

Pure Jazz

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Is Marketing evil ?

Is marketing evil ?

I'm a marketing student. Now there's a paradox for you.
I'm a marketing student who rants and raves about how marketing has killed music and the horrible phenomenon of packaged music. I'm a marketing student who throws away junk mail and channel-surfs right by commercials. I'm a marketing student who rudely hangs up on telemarketers. I'm a marketing student who's 99% cynical but has still retained that 1% idealism that refuses to go away no matter how deep I try to bury it.

read more

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

What's hot in web application

I came up with this list, describing what's HOT in web-application software development:

1. Intelligent Searching
Thanks to i-tunes and Amazon, searching is big business, what Amazon gives us is "you may also like this..." while i-tunes gives interactivity of the search result which reacts to what you type in search field. Combine these two with additional wild-card searching what we've seen in most e-commerce website, ie : last item you see, .. etc is a HOT thing.

2. Personalisation
Who doesn't like to personalise things, it is a human nature to give personal touch to what we have. It reminds me of nokia 5 series with interchangeable covers which was very popular in the 90s. Incorporate this into any web-based application then it is a HOT thing.

3. KISS Keep it Simple Stupid
Who hates reading manual ? Familiar with RTFM? Again it is a usability issue, better by design and all this kind of stuff. Do the "mom's test", do your homework, do things with passion, and pay attention to details! Create simple yet powerful software it is a HOT thing.

4. Real life is a real test
It’s impossible to test something without real test. Take a car for example, how many years after development car is now saver than ever. Imagine you manufacture model-T today and not getting sued because it’s not roadworthy.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Garage Project

Can you raed tihs

Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs rpsoet it.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Icon search engine for webdesigners

Icon search engine for webdesigners

read more | digg story


A lot of sites have been promoting pages for web developers, but none of them have asked what people are actually using to do good work. This site hopes to answer that question and provide people with the best sites first - not somewhere in the middle of long lists.

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Wednesday, 2 May 2007


Welcome to the Quirkology website
Ever wondered what your birthday says about you? Or why men and women find different jokes funny? Or how to tell if someone is lying? If so, you need some Quirkology in your life.
Professor Richard Wiseman has dedicated his life to understanding the backwaters of the human mind and going to places where mainstream scientists fear to tread. The result is Quirkology – a book that will change the way you think about thinking. Explore the site to discover more about the amazing phenomenon that is your life, and take part in the latest online experiments.

Best CSS tools of the month

Find the best CSS articles, hacks, tools or publications of the month

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Sunday, 29 April 2007

Pictures: Babies Underwater

Very cool photo gallery of children of all ages swimming underwater. You've never seen kids so happy. This site just makes you smile.

read more | digg story

Friday, 27 April 2007

XML and Word

Claromentis 5.1 configuration

1. New searching system and so new indexing daemon.
Cla 5.1 requires new indexing daemon to be installed
Due to changed indexing, now database size is much smaller than data storage. And data storage has grown by about 50% comparing to version 5.0. I remind that previously database size was about twice larger than actual documents size.

2. LDAP/NTLM configuration
Cla 5.1 now supports multiple domains if they are within one LDAP tree and Cla is installed on Windows. Also now it's possible to have local accounts and LDAP/NTLM accounts at the same time.
Due to these changes, directory security settings are different in IIS. Now it's needed to allow anonymous access to web/intranet/ folder and only disallow it to web/intranet/login/ folder.
There are also different configuration variables in config file.NTLM and LDAP are switched on and off indepentently of each other. $NTLM_MODE has only options NTLM_NONE, NTLM_IIS and NTLM_APACHE.New variable $cfg_LDAP_enabled enables LDAP support. Prefix $cfg_ added for all other LDAP variables. See config_default.php
Enabling LDAP now requires valid LDAP account to be entered into config file. See variables $cfg_LDAP_user and $cfg_LDAP_password in config_default.php
New settings $cfg_preferred_login_method, has effect only if NTLM is enabled. Claromentis may automatically redirect users to NTLM autologon or first show them usual web form for log in and let them click "Log on using you MS Windows account". This is useful if local and LDAP users are used.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Mobile Web emulator

MediaWiki in Claromentis

Claromentis works well with mediawiki-1.8.2 (hm, available on the site),
however, mediawiki-1.8.3 is the security update, so it must work (i'vent checked) which brings you to
it can work under mysql since 4.0 and php5 under apache or IIS

first, install MediaWiki in intranet/wiki directory:

====in "Database config"=====

1) check MySQL,
2) use DB name, DB username, DB password from Claromentis (specified in intranet/common/config.php)
3) set Database table prefix to something like "wiki_"

in other places - follow MediaWiki installation instructions

second, install ClaroWiki extension into MediaWiki:edit intranet/wiki/LocalSettings.php# Add to localsettings, near the end:require_once("extensions/clarowiki/ClaroWiki.php");

note about uploading images into wiki:!! this workaround doesn't work with IIS (win32)

it's helpful for codedev2you may want to move wiki/images directory to claromentis data directory and make symlink from previuos location to new locationi.e.:# mv web/intranet/wiki/images data/wiki; ln -s ../../../data/wiki/ web/intranet/wiki/images;!! this workaround doesn't work with IIS (win32) it's helpful for codedev2

Sunday, 22 April 2007

The truth about working as a WEB DEVELOPER

The truth about working as a WEB DEVELOPER

1. You work weird (night time) -Overtime
...Just like prostitutes.

2. They pay you to make the client happy
...Just like a prostitute.

3. The client pays a lot of money,
butyour employer keeps almost everypenny
...Just like a prostitute.

4. You are rewarded for fulfilling theclient's dreams
... Just like a prostitute.

5. Your friendships fall apart
and you end up hanging out with people
inthe same profession as you
...Just like a prostitute.

6. When you have to meet the client
you always have to be perfectlygroomed
...Just like a prostitute.

7. But when you go back home
it seems like you are coming back from hell
...Just like a prostitute.

8. The client always wants to pay less
but expects incredible thingsfrom you
...Just like a prostitute.

9. When people ask you about your job,
you have difficulties to explain it
...Just like a prostitute.

10. Everyday when you wake up,
you say: "I'm not going to spent the restof my life doing this."
...Just like a prostitute.

p/s: damn..i just realize this...

Sign & Print Graphix - vehicle graphics, pvc banners, magnetic signs - Vehicles

Sign & Print Graphix - vehicle graphics, pvc banners, magnetic signs - Vehicles

Eight Google Apps in Your Future

Google office is finally taking shape. Web Worker Daily makes some guesses at what you might find in Google Apps in the future. So far it adds up to eight new apps in the near future.

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Friday, 20 April 2007

Best of web 2.0 software

Absolutely eatable fabulous cakes - russian masterpieces!!

All you see here are cakes that can be eaten without any part of it left - no plastics or any other artificial stuff is being used - everything is eatable, and incredibly beautiful!!

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Design secrets revealed - 35 Pro designers asked 5 must know questions

35 professional designers disclose their favorite CSS technique, how they prioritize their designs, their favorite font, their most read design-related book and the design magazine that they read religiously.

read more | digg story


  • Smart WIKi linking
  • Filesystem shortcut
  • Export document to PDF
  • Import Word Doc to pages

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

The Monster List of Freelancing Job Sites

Huge list of sites listing freelance web design and developer jobs

read more | digg story

Monday, 16 April 2007

CSS form helper

Economist StyleGuide

Designing With Grid-Based Approach

We’ve read through over 50 articles and selected some of the most important and interesting facts web-developers should know about the grid-based approach. Besides, we’ve listed the most useful references, tutorials and tools we found - with precise descriptions of what the articles are about.

read more | digg story


You wont find anything special in the first look.Get up from your chair and move five steps back and look again.If any one know how this is happening please answer.

read more | digg story

Google Check out in UK

Ready to roll !!!


Your OrderID is: EC813029

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Landing Page

example of competition landing page like this landing page) simple, with PDF icons ready to download, but when you click, it ask for your email, but afterwards, allows you to immediately download interesting at the beginning) busy, interesting URL, how they capture google usage) my attention to only one place, which is to download white paper titled Seven key things you must consider before you invest in doc mgmt swwhich then drops me to a contact form)

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Crazy web site

Colour flows off the cursor.

read more | digg story



A contextually relevant keyword that is discovered in real-time on a web page from within Kontera´s vast network of publishers, and is automatically turned into a link to the most relevant ad from among Kontera´s thousands of advertisers. With ContentLink™ publishers generate incremental revenue while advertisers reach their most targeted audience on a Cost-Per-Click basis.

YPOPs! :: Free POP3/SMTP access to Yahoo Mail!

YPOPs! :: Free POP3/SMTP access to Yahoo Mail!

YPOPs! is an application that provides POP3 access to Yahoo! Mail.

Smallest and Largest text on the web

Ever wonder what's the smallest possible text size on the web?

The smallest possible text size is 1px, you can make them 0.0000001px but
it doesn't make such different on the browser appearance.

The largest text that still can be readable after reducing the text size or zooming out (IE7) page is in the region of 60000px.
There is some strange behavior with the largest text as sometime when it gets too large it become small again.

To test this experiment you can use Firefox and hold Ctrl key while keep pressing (-) or (+) to zoom in and out.

Smallest and Largest Text on the web (open in new window)

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Edit me in publish

Here is the example of such "edit me" link:

Note "name" on < a > tag. It's not required, but better to insert it sopage id is directly added into that link instead of callingedit_page_indirect.phpAnd there is on limitation. This functionality works only on intranetpages and doesn't work on any external ones - FTP or the same server.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Geobytes IP detection

Javascript IP detection

IP Location PHP Module

PHP Class API | IP2Location™

PHP module that enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, ISP and domain name that any IP address or host name originates from. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use the API to query all IP2Location™ binary databases for applications supporting PHP.

Monday, 9 April 2007

Online Collaboration Business Application

LAUNCH: Claromentis offers online business collaboration software with totally integrated content, document, sales, project and process management applications – all accessible within a single portal environment.

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Home Inspiration, Products, Furniture, Gadgets and More for a Better House

Home Inspiration, Products, Furniture, Gadgets and More for a Better House

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

No Access to Internal Publish Page

As I see now in code, when permissions are checked there are three variants:
1. you have rights to view page
2. you are not logged on, but page is not public
3. you are logged on, but as user that don't have rights to view that page

In these cases:
1. page is shown
2. redirect to usual login page
3. Page [^] is shown. If access_denied_custom.php exists, it's shown instead of default access_denied.php

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Some of the best wallpapers ever

40 pieces of art. All great.Previous exhibitions available(for a total of 75 pieces).

read more | digg story

Monday, 19 March 2007

42 Design blogs and sites designers and webmasters need to know

A list of designing blogs and sites that all you designers and webmasters need to read. WOW!

read more | digg story

Friday, 9 March 2007

Typography Template

Claromentis - strange right margin when checking out page

culprit :.app_menu h2 { float:left; }
add clear div after app_menu on publish_header.html

Popups That Don't Get Blocked

We hate them when they are used for ads so popup blocking has become popular. The problem is that also takes away a legitimate programming technique. So an alternative using a little JS.

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Upload files with an AJAX progress Bar!

Ever wondered if it was possible to display the upload status to a user while he is uploading a file to your website? It is! Check out this PHP implementation on

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Set up IIS 7 w/ MySQL and PHP 5

Web 2.0 for "Developers, Developers, Developers..."

The post is a compilation of web applications that could aid developers with their projects. Covers a wide selection of tools for project planning, development, issue tracking, documentation, usability testing, and more.

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gSyncit for Microsoft Outlook

gSyncit works by updating your Microsoft Outlook calendar with your Google calendar entries and then updating your Google calendar with your Microsoft Outlook entries. All appointments that occurred in the past 365 days and those that will occur in the next 365 days will be synchronized.

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Thursday, 8 March 2007

Travel Back in time is not possible


There are many Usability Experts who want to contribute to software projects. And there are many Developers who want to make their software more usable, and as a consequence, more successful.

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Monday, 26 February 2007

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Desktop Earth

Desktop Earth is a wallpaper generator for Windows. It runs whenever you're logged on and updates your wallpaper with an accurate representation of the Earth as it would be seen from space at that precise moment.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Saturday, 3 February 2007

courier local

Dog Insurance





Thursday, 25 January 2007

Simple CMS

Extremely simple CMS for a simple website

Portable Application

No need to install, just an executable ready to use


Preview web pages and render as an image

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Info Software HD check & MySQL

- HHDLife : buat check kesehatan HDD, bagus :
- HeidiSQL : mirip NaviCat tapi gratis :

Friday, 19 January 2007

Care UK

- New login.html
- Created new sitemap template for them
- Fixed Fatal Error problem
- HR > Org Chart

Todo :
- Document Linking Problem BugTracker 4020
- Find out how to customise e-mail message from Instant Message


1. POP 3 for Claromentis USA

2. Contact Details on Website

3. Use Discover to distribute datasheet

4. Use Discover to maintain Websites

5. Reseller Tag for American

6. Convert default permission from All registered user to Primary Area
and check if we can convert existing client safely.

7. Follow

9. Wiki:

- search
- whatsnew
- notification

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Monday, 15 January 2007

Flash 8 Uploader

My research to find best method for uploading file to the web application:

Getting Real

Great article about getting things done !

highly recommended

Access Outlook using PHP

Great article accessing outlook using PHP:

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Stay at Greenbank Hotel in cornwall

Today I am staying at

Yahoo UI library

Financing the Entrepreneurial Business Programme

Financing the Entrepreneurial Business Programme

Writing Good Website Copy

The 'So-What?' Principle for Writing Good Website Copy
I am about to hand you the most worthwhile website writing tip ever devised. It is so simple, yet so effective, that from now on your website copywriting will shine forth like a good deed in a naughty world. But, first, a short preamble.
As I bounce around the Internet, I see that many so-called copywriting gurus are adamant that copywriting for websites is completely different from copywriting for press ads, brochures and the like. They also go on to say that there exists some kind of secret website writing cornucopia, the location of which is known to only a few, but the key to which can be yours if you subscribe to their website copywriting course.

I am here to tell you that the contents of their course would probably get the average trainee at any decent ad agency fired on the spot, were he or she to adopt its precepts. Despite this, the myth that website writing is somehow different from any other kind of promotional writing is gaining ground; and it is being perpetrated not only by charlatans, but also by people who ought to know a good deal better.
Yes, I will agree that the 'reading' of websites is somewhat different from the 'reading' of what we might term terrestrial copywriting. And the reason is this. Having performed a Google search, people are confronted by so many options that they are quite negligent in their perusal of any given website. On the other hand, if they arrive at a site that pleases them mightily ? one that provides a good, benefit-filled headline, plus body copy that not only answers all their questions, but also soft-sells them at the same time - then they will linger.
The truth is immutable. The rules of copywriting for websites are exactly the same as the rules for writing anything else that is trying to sell a product or service. It must be clear and lucid. It must be simple and uncomplicated. And it must make some kind of offer or give some kind of promise. These, however, are not such attributes as you will find on the average website, because the average website ? being average ? contains no sales message, no product benefit and no offer or promise.
I shall now digress for a moment. The following two precepts are the oldest in the professional copywriting manual; and I have been proselytizing them for years. Nobody is listening, of course, so I shall repeat them; and I shall repeat them because they are important.
The first rule of successful copywriting is that every piece of promotional material should contain a headline. This headline should say exactly what it is that you are selling. And it should also give a very good reason for buying it.
The second rule of successful copywriting is that body copy should reinforce the benefit of owning the product by stating clearly what will be missed if the potential customer doesn't buy: i.e. the product features; plus the facts and figures of size, weight, and operational statistics. Not to mention the price. Always remember, people don't buy products, they buy the benefits of owning them.
But that's purely by the way. Let's return to our main thrust. People write to me all the time acknowledging that a website stands or falls in the eyes of the general public on the quality of its writing (good search engine optimization is all in the writing, too, but that's another story.) They say they have spent hours re-writing their Title, Description and Keywords meta tags, followed by the enjoinder that they have done everything possible to make their Home page body copy acceptable to both search engine and punter alike.
So I visit their website and the first thing I see when the site opens is a headline that says something like: "This is the website of Burlington R. Cade. You are welcome to it!" This so-called headline is followed by a stick of body copy which begins: "Burlington R. Cade is based in Stub Toe, Nebraska and has been in business since 1977?" My correspondent then goes on to ask why, in all reasonableness, is (a) the offending site not listed on any of the major search engines and (b) why the few simple souls who do visit the site (by accident, presumably) don't stick around?
The answer, of course, is that neither the headline nor the body copy makes it worthwhile for any search engine or punter to want to stick around. But we are about to change all that, because here's that website writing tip.
It's a tip that, used correctly, will tell you in no uncertain terms whether you have written a good headline or a great stick of body copy. And also vice versa. It was given to me 40 years ago by a benign Copy Chief when I stepped across the threshold of my first ad agency. It is called the "So what?" principle.
Allow me to give you an example of 'So What?' in action. If you produce a headline that says: "Our Widget works twice as fast as any other Widget," and then ask yourself 'So What?', it immediately becomes clear that the line is bereft of a sales proposition. Because there is no obvious benefit to the potential customer. His unspoken question: 'What's in it for me' remains unanswered.

On the other hand, if you write: "Our Widget works twice as fast, so you do the job in half the time," then the 'So What?' has been answered. Your customer can cut his production time by 50%.
Likewise, were you to write: "Our Widget is so small, it fits into the palm of your hand," you simply invoke 'So What?' Which results in: "Our Widget fits into the palm of your hand, so it goes wherever you go." In this case, the benefit is portability.
Simple, isn't it? And it can be applied to body copy just as readily as it can to headlines. Given this, we should now be able to expunge forever from the Net such crass headlines as: "You are entering the wonderful world of Mandy Lifeboats!" And also to such dreadful sticks of copy which begin: "Mandy Lifeboats left university with a modest arts degree and not enough money to buy lunch, but she has never looked back?" Because 'So What?' should spell out to young Mandy that nobody gives a hoot. It goes without saying, however, that I am taking no bets on it.
If this has been useful, please do let me know.
About the Author: Pat Quinn is an award-winning UK copywriter who also operates a search engine optimization service. Because it's all in the writing! Here:

Friday, 5 January 2007

WAP on Pocket PC

O2 Wap (Mobile Internet) settings:
Dialup access number: +447712 927927
Gateway (IP) address:
Username: o2wap
Password: password
Session type: Continuous / permanent

Port number: 9201

Online Image manipulation

oemino: flash
oemino: ama GD
oemino: GD buat export flash ke jpg
oemino: modul flash buat distort image dapet nyolong online ... hehe
oemino: juga yg buat export flash ke jpg
pijir: cool banget
oemino: ngga 100% nyolong sih, open source
oemino: thanks
oemino: idenya emang gila
oemino: semua ilmu keluar ... php + mysql + javascript + flash
oemino: banyakan di javascript + flash
oemino: mysql cuma dikit, buat manage template

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Setting Up 02 GPRS

I just got my XDA mini from Darren

In case it helps anyone else the sequence appears to be:

1.Go the active menu and choose my XDA connections. Make sure the settings ticked are UK Post Paid and GPRS

2 Go to Start settings Connections and make sure that the default connection (ie not one that you have added) is set to as the access point, the Modem is Cellular Line GPRS the user name is faster and I think the password is password(advanced is use server-assigned IP address the DNS is and the alt DNS is

This should work!

I have given up on the WAP settings as I never used them anyway.

Hope this helps

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