
Thursday, 3 April 2008

Email Path

//$mail->Send(); - this is string sends email to site db administrators who has been selected in Site Database Notification Settings

C:\Claromentis\web\intranet\careuk\classes\CareUKSite.php and line 1657

Problem with Mysql 5.0.51

If you use Mysql 5.0.51 and use in sql query GROUP BY with ORDER BY without other tables then you not see correct result.

For example: Client side uses SQL query
"SELECT * FROM care_uk_sites cus, permissions p GROUP BY, cus.site_name, cus.division_id ORDER BY site_name ASC"

and old sql query used on admin side:
"SELECT * FROM care_uk_sites cus GROUP BY, cus.site_name, cus.division_id ORDER BY site_name ASC"

Currently we have SQL query with fixed bug:
SELECT * FROM care_uk_sites cus ORDER BY site_name ASC - this is the same SQL query but without GROUP BY, which is not need